Our goal is not just to be good. It’s to be EXTRAORDINARY.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

At Diamond C, our goal is not to be good. Our goal is to be extraordinary in order to fulfill our purpose: to fuel the well-being, growth and success of our team members, customers and community abroad. Extraordinary performance comes from extraordinary people. And the foundation for extraordinary people is an extraordinary culture.

The 10 Fundamentals that follow describe the behaviors that define our unique culture. They’re what sets us apart and what makes us extraordinary.

1. Deliver EXTRAordinary results

Hold yourself and one another accountable to delivering EXTRAordinary, high-quality, on-time results for your internal and external customers. EXTRAordinary results are what your customers care about and how we win! Safety 1st, quality 2nd, then everything else.

2. Serve and respect one another

In the pursuit of our purpose, we value others above ourselves. This is made clear through the way we
listen, the giving and receiving of honest feedback, our common courtesies and consideration of others,
hospitality, dependability, and clear acts of service.

3. Appreciate all resources

Facilities, equipment, tools, inventory, time, talent, and money. Leave it better than you found it! Take
good care and don’t accept waste. Solve problems with brains before bank accounts.

4. Lead yourself, first

You can’t draw from an empty well. Take care of yourself and your habits– mind, body, and spirit– to
show up at your best. Take initiative to invest in yourself and grow towards your goals, step by step.
After all, the rising tide lifts all boats.

5. Think process-oriented

For sustainable, scalable results, work to build and maintain highly effective, repeatable, and adaptable
processes and feedback loops for every aspect of your work. And when problem solving, attack
processes, not people.

6. Work Together

It is teamwork that makes the dream work. Stay unified! We are one DC team on a mission, with no time
for division. Collaborate and lean into and appreciate differences to work out win/win’s and find best
paths for progress. We are better together!

7. Continuously improve

From the trailers that we build to the job that you do, we’re either growing or dying and continuous
improvement is the solution to the latter. Take steps to improve the efficiency, quality, and value of your
own work and product, continuously.

8. Maintain a positive attitude

If you don’t start with a positive attitude, nothing else matters. Negativity never wins– it only inhibits
progress and success. We don’t shy away from the brutal facts, but we never lose hope that we can and
will be successful in the end. We are dealers in hope!

9. Speak Life & have fun

Regularly extend meaningful encouragement and appreciation in all directions. Make it FUN and celebrate one another’s wins, learning, progress, accomplishments, and special occasions along the way. Life’s too short for work to be a drag.

10. Do the right thing, always

Integrity isn’t situational. Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing in every action
you take and in every decision that you make, even when no one’s looking. Be honest and tell the truth. And if you see something wrong, say something. You can make a difference.